Spaces & space groups

Spaces are a foundational container for discussions, courses, events, chat, and image posts in Circle.

A space is both a container of content, and the access gating mechanism through which members access this content.



  • Public: The sidebar link is visible to everyone in the community, and the space is accessible to all community members.

  • Private: The sidebar link is visible to members in the community, but the space is accessible only to members who've been added to it.

  • Secret: The sidebar link is hidden from members in the community unless a member belongs to the space, and the space is accessible only to members who've been added to it.


Each space is defined by its space type, which defines its primary content and functionality. Here's an example of a TypeScript definition:

type SpaceType = 'basic' | 'chat' | 'event' | 'course' | 'members' | 'image';
  • Basic:

    • Contains regular posts, serving as a general-purpose space for posts and discussions.

    • Use cases: General discussions, announcements, topic-specific conversations, or blog-like content.

  • Chat:

    • Functions as a chat room, allowing multiple participants to engage in real-time conversations.

    • Use cases: Real-time support, casual conversations, quick team check-ins, or live Q&A sessions.

  • Event:

    • Functions as a container for upcoming and past events.

    • Use cases: Webinars, meetups, conference planning, or virtual event hosting.

  • Course:

    • Functions as a container on course lessons.

    • Use cases: Online classes, training programs, tutorial series, or self-paced learning modules.

  • Members:

    • Functions as a container for a specific member directory.

    • Use cases: Networking, member spotlights, expertise directories, or team rosters.

  • Image:

    • Functions as a container for images.

    • Use cases: Photo galleries, visual portfolios, product showcases, or inspirational mood boards.

Space groups

Space groups are the grouping container of multiple spaces in the sidebar, and include meta settings. A Space Group can contain spaces of different types and access levels.

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