Websockets (Beta)

Websockets are a crucial part of any real-time feature. On our case, we're talking about Chat and Notifications.

WebSockets Connection Test

This guide explains how to test WebSockets connection with Circle's real-time messaging system using the ws library.

Basic Setup

Create a WebSocket connection to Circle's server:

const WebSocket = require("ws");

const channelName = "ChatRoomChannel"; // Use required channel name

const socket = new WebSocket("wss://app.circle.so/cable", {
  headers: {
    Origin: "https://your-whitelisted-domain.com",
    Authorization: "Bearer HEADLESS_MEMBER_ACCESS_TOKEN"
  • The WebSocket URL wss://app.circle.so/cable is Circle's specific endpoint.

  • Origin should be one of the whitelisted domains added for the community.

  • Replace HEADLESS_MEMBER_ACCESS_TOKEN with your actual access token.

  • Please note that the HEADLESS_MEMBER_ACCESS_TOKEN expires after 1 hour and need to be refreshed.

Event Handling

1. Connection Open

Handle the connection establishment and channel subscription:

socket.on("open", function open() {
  console.log("WebSocket connection opened.");
  // Subscribe to the chat channel
  const subscribeMessage = JSON.stringify({
    command: "subscribe",
    identifier: JSON.stringify({
      channel: channelName,
      community_member_id: COMMUNITY_MEMBER_ID
  // Send subscription request
  // Optional: Send a test message
    action: "message", 
    data: "Hello Server!" 

Make sure to replace the following variables with your actual values:

  • COMMUNITY_MEMBER_ID: Community member ID who owns the Headless access token.

2. Receiving Messages

Handle incoming messages from the server:

socket.on("message", function incoming(data) {
  const message = JSON.parse(data);
  if (message.channel === channelName) {
    console.log(`Message from channel ${channelName}:`, message.data);
  } else {
    console.log("Message from server:", message);

3. Error Handling

Implement error handling for the WebSocket connection:

socket.on("error", function error(err) {
  console.error("WebSocket error:", err);

4. Connection Close

Handle connection closure:

socket.on("close", function close() {
  console.log("WebSocket connection closed.");

Complete Implementation

Here's the complete code combining all the components:

const WebSocket = require("ws");
const channelName = "ChatRoomChannel";

function initializeWebSocket() {
  const socket = new WebSocket("wss://app.circle.so/cable", {
    headers: {
      Origin: "https://your-whitelisted-domain.com",
      Authorization: "Bearer HEADLESS_MEMBER_ACCESS_TOKEN"

  // Handle connection open
  socket.on("open", function open() {
    console.log("WebSocket connection opened.");
    // Subscribe to channel
    const subscribeMessage = JSON.stringify({
      command: "subscribe",
      identifier: JSON.stringify({
        channel: channelName,
        community_member_id: COMMUNITY_MEMBER_ID

  // Handle incoming messages
  socket.on("message", function incoming(data) {
    const message = JSON.parse(data);
    if (message.channel === channelName) {
      console.log(`Message from channel ${channelName}:`, message.data);
    } else {
      console.log("Message from server:", message);

  // Handle errors
  socket.on("error", function error(err) {
    console.error("WebSocket error:", err);

  // Handle connection close
  socket.on("close", function close() {
    console.log("WebSocket connection closed.");
    // Optional: Implement reconnection logic here

  return socket;

// Initialize the WebSocket connection
const socket = initializeWebSocket();

Run Test

$ node websocket-connection-test.js

On successful connection, you will start receiving ping from server.


WebSocket connection opened.
Message from server: { type: 'welcome', sid: 'JnehncGjAQuLBIBoImSMk' }
Message from server: {
  identifier: '{"channel":"ChatRoomChannel","community_member_id": COMMUNITY_MEMBER_ID}',
  type: 'confirm_subscription'
Message from server: { type: 'ping', message: 1729855056 }
Message from server: { type: 'ping', message: 1729855059 }
Message from server: { type: 'ping', message: 1729855062 }


Name: *NotificationChannel*

Pubsub queue: "notification-channel-#{community_member_id}"

This channel is used for communication of all real time notifications for a community member. This channel receives following events:

  • newNotification

    • This event is received whenever community member receives a new in-app notification

  • updateNewNotificationCount

    • This event is received whenever there is change in community member’s in-app notification count

    • Additional information received with the event:

      new_notifications_count: number
  • resetNewNotificationCount

    • This event is received to mark all notifications as read.

    • Additional information received with the event:

      new_notifications_count: 0


We have 3 channels to manage websocket communications for messaging.

👉 chat-room-channel-#{community_member.id}

👉 chat-room-#{chat_room.id}-channel

👉 chat-community-member-#{community_member_id}-threads-channel


This channel receives all updates regarding messaging which are specific to a member, all other events from a room which are common for all members are communicated on chat room channel.

Channel details:

Name: *ChatRoomChannel*

Pubsub queue: chat-room-channel-#{community_member.id}


Chat Room events:


  1. This event is broadcasted on a non embedded chat room creation.

  2. Additional information received with the event

interface ChatRoom {
  id: number;
  uuid: string;
  identifier: string;
  unread_messages_count: number;
  chat_room_kind: string;
  chat_room_name: string;
  chat_room_description: string;
  chat_room_show_history: boolean;
  other_participants_preview: Record<string, any>[];
  current_participant: Record<string, any>;
  last_message: Record<string, any>;


  1. This event gets broadcasted in following cases:

    1. when non embedded chat room name is changed.

    2. when non embedded chat room gets pinned.

  2. Please note that same event is broadcasted on chat-room-#{chat_room.id}-channel channel on updating room specific attributes like :pinned_message_id, :show_history, :description, :name attributes.

  3. Additional information received with the event:

    interface SimplifiedChatRoom {
      uuid: string;
      chat_room_name: string;
      chat_room_description: string;
      chat_room_show_history: boolean;
      pinned_message: Record<string, any>;


  1. This event gets broadcasted on chat room deletion.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

      chat_room_uuid: string


  1. This event gets broadcasted when chatroom gets marked as read by a participant.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

  chat_room_uuid: string


  1. This event gets broadcasted when a non embedded chat room is pinned by a community member.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

  chat_room_id: number
  pinned_at: string


  1. This event gets broadcasted when a non embedded chat room is un-pinned by a community member.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

  chat_room_id: number

ChatRoomMessage events:


  • This event gets broadcasted for each new non reply message in a non embedded chat room.

  • Additional information received with the event:

    interface JSONMessage {
      id: number;
      chat_room_uuid: string;
      chat_room_kind: string;
      chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on previous examples
      body: string;
      rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
      sent_at: string;
      created_at: string;
      sender: Record<string, any>;
      creation_uuid: string;
      chat_thread_id: number;
      parent_message_id: number;
      lesson_id: number;
      edited_at: string;
      replies_count: number;
      total_thread_participants_count: number;
      thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;
      chat_thread_replies_count: number;
  • Note: We are broadcasting exact same event on chat-room-#{chat_room.id}-channel currently for all new messages including replies. This is sent for all embedded and non embedded rooms.


We are using this channel to post chat room events which are not intended for a specific community member.

Channel details:

Name: *Chats*::*RoomChannel*

Pubsub queue: chat-room-#{*chat_room*.id}-channel


ChatRoomMessage events:


  • This event gets broadcasted for each new message in the chat room

  • Additional information received with the event:

interface JSONMessage {
  id: number;
  chat_room_uuid: string;
  chat_room_kind: string;
  chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on previous examples
  body: string;
  rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
  sent_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  sender: Record<string, any>;
  creation_uuid: string;
  chat_thread_id: number;
  parent_message_id: number;
  lesson_id: number;
  edited_at: string;
  replies_count: number;
  total_thread_participants_count: number;
  thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;
  chat_thread_replies_count: number;


  • This event gets broadcasted when a message gets deleted from the chat room

  • Additional information received with the event:

    interface ParentMessage {
      id: number;
      chat_room_uuid: string;
      chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on previous examples
      body: string;
      rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
      sent_at: string;
      created_at: string;
      sender: Record<string, any>;
      creation_uuid: string;
      chat_thread_id: number;
      parent_message_id: number;
      lesson_id: number;
      edited_at: string;
      replies_count: number;
      total_thread_participants_count: number;
      thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;
    interface MessageWithParent {
      id: number;
      parent_message: ParentMessage;


  • This event gets broadcasted when a message is updated

  • Additional information received with the event:

interface JSONMessage {
  id: number;
  chat_room_uuid: string;
  chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on previous examples
  body: string;
  rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
  sent_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  sender: Record<string, any>;
  creation_uuid: string;
  chat_thread_id: number;
  parent_message_id: number;
  lesson_id: number;
  edited_at: string;
  replies_count: number;
  total_thread_participants_count: number;
  thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;


We are using this channel to communicate events for the threads that a community is part of

Channel details:

Name: *Chats*::*CommunityMemberThreadsChannel*

Pubsub queue: chat-community-member-#{community_member_id}-threads-channel


  1. This event gets broadcasted for each new message in the chat thread.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

interface JSONMessage {
  id: number;
  chat_room_uuid: string;
  chat_room_kind: string;
  chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on previous examples
  body: string;
  rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
  sent_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  sender: Record<string, any>;
  creation_uuid: string;
  chat_thread_id: number;
  parent_message_id: number;
  lesson_id: number;
  edited_at: string;
  replies_count: number;
  total_thread_participants_count: number;
  thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;
  chat_thread_replies_count: number;


  1. This event gets broadcasted when a message is updated in chat thread

  2. Additional information received with the event:

interface ChatMessage {
  id: number;
  chat_room_uuid: string;
  chat_room_participant_id: number; // Assuming this is a number based on the comment
  body: string;
  rich_text_body: Record<string, any>; // Using Record for a generic object type
  sent_at: string;
  created_at: string;
  sender: Record<string, any>;
  creation_uuid: string;
  chat_thread_id: number;
  parent_message_id: number;
  lesson_id: number;
  edited_at: string;
  replies_count: number;
  total_thread_participants_count: number;
  thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;


  1. This event gets broadcasted when a message gets deleted from the chat thread

  2. Additional information received with the event:

interface ParentMessage {
  id: number;
  chat_room_participant_id: string;
  rich_text_body: Record<string, any>;
  created_at: string;
  sender: Record<string, any>;
  creation_uuid: string;
  chat_thread_id: number;
  parent_message_id: number;
  lesson_id: number;
  edited_at: string;
  replies_count: number;
  total_thread_participants_count: number;
  thread_participants_preview: Record<string, any>;

interface MessageWithParent {
  id: number;
  parent_message: ParentMessage;


  1. This event gets broadcasted when chatroom gets marked as read by a participant.

  2. Additional information received with the event:

  chat_thread_id: number

Last updated